Thursday, December 22, 2011

Things to be said about 2011

2010 couldn't have left soon enough and 2011 showed me just the right stuff. I met, my current boyfriend, Matt this year, I got some new jobs, I faced new fears, and pissed off a few snobs. I jammed good tunes, I saw good shows, I made new friends, and I got new foes. I didn't burn any bridges yet, still a few days left, but I did build credit and I dug some new debt. Going back to school you say? Come what may; this girls got bills to pay. Try as I might (and I do put up a good fight) to find my place in the world, I guess I'll give in and do what's right.

I honestly just want to have enough money to do what I want; travel, go to shows, eat food, and keep challenging my self. Some people have been a great inspiration to me recently, people that I've known for a long time but it seems that now their greatness is really reflecting on to me. I am very much enjoy it. I'm not stressed and Matt is helping me out a great deal. I vowed to pay him back for all his help. Because when I can, if ever need be, I would like to be the one who helps him out. Alright enough gushiness. On with the music shit.

I've been jamming the same couple bands and have been doing so for the past 5-6 weeks. I can't shake em either. So I guess it's not a bad thing. Disma, Aosoth, Blut Aus Nord, Black Witchery, and Impetuous Ritual. It's no surprise, some of those bands, seeing that I went to RODIII earlier this month.
Before I left to Hawaii I didn't charge my ipod so I was stuck with out music, which wasn't that bad because I just came back from said fest. But the Hawaiian Christmas music was extremely overwhelming. I must have heard the Hawaiian rendition of every Christmas song EVER. That was so wonderful let me tell you what. >:[

The things that draw me to Disma and Impetuous Ritual is the hard driving heavyness. I don't know any better way to put it. I could say it in 20 different ways like a repetitive music reviewer, but I won't because I'm not. Disma to me has a very modern way of incorporating the old death metal sound. I love the Incantation sound that Bill brings and I'll have to add I love the bit of inspiration the rest of the band takes from other old school dm bands. I love listening to their album 'Towards the Megalith' to start my work day or after work. It has the pummeling force to help me over come any anxiety I may get from working such a tedious job.
Impetuous Ritual have been up there with Portal for me ever since I heard them late last year. Being able to see them, and such a new fan of their music was a wonderful experience. Not only did I head bang the heaviest I could during 'Ritual of the Grave' but they were pretty much the only band I head banged for. (Is that correct grammer? Head banged?) I talked with a couple of IR dudes and I got quite an impression from them. They like to party. I did forget to bring my rain coat with me but thankfully I was out of the way of the spit firing range.
Of course Aosoth is up there and has been for a couple months. I can't get enough. The release of III as a instrumental was exciting to find out, but I haven't got around to buying it just yet, unfortunately. It took a while for me to get into 'Ashes of Angels' because the programmed drums were just a bit harsh on my ears, but the rest of the music over powered and it became a very compelling album for me.
Blut Aus Nord, yet another French Black Metal band, I was informally introduced to them in 2005 with the album Work Which Transforms God. It was an odd album out to my taste of music at the time which centered around technical death metal and symphonic black metal. (hehehehe! I was 17. GIVE ME A BREAK)It being the oddity that it was made it stand out more though. I forgot about them for a couple years but then this year they resurfaced and came with a vengeance! Odinist and WWTG are the favorites and I love the idea and the music Vindsval has created, thus far, for his 777 tri-album release. Matt and I have pondered and quarrelled about it for a bit and concluded that they aren't black metal albums, they are more dark industrial post black metal albums. Something like that. But definitely not black metal. Anyone could see that. :P

Last but not least Black Witchery. Now this is a band I've known about since I got my first metal catalog at the age of 15. I don't remember how I got it but it was heaven to me. I studied that thing and tried to get as much music off of it that my pocket could pay. Which wasn't much. You see I was into Slayer and Metallica at that age, and started getting into Death, Emperor, Burzum, and Kreator. I gave Black Witchery a listen and I wasn't too thrilled on them. The years passes and I start talking to a sweet man who lives in Washington. We like a lot of the same music and we hit it off. One of his favorite bands is Black Witchery, you'd think after all the years of being acquainted with the music I'm into I would have at least given them another try? Nope. So I did when they were announced to play MDF in 2012 as to be familiar with their sound. Turns out I love them and I love Blasphemy too!! When they were announced as a replacer for a band on ROD I was thrilled! They were probably the only band that could play a full set after Midnight and Still have people going crazy for them. Glad I was there to witness it.

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